About Me

I believe that every step we take is a blessing!

My Journey to Running

Running wasn't my first sport. I played basketball and jumped over some hurdles in track and spent a lot of time riding my bike as a kid.  I started running in my late 40's when my older kids were off at college.  I had started with hiking to get into shape and then was asked by a friend to run a marathon with her.  She was a breast cancer survivor, and a marathon was a bucket list thing for her. I figured if she could survive cancer, I could survive running 26.2 miles!

One marathon led to another, but it was the trails that I had hiked where I wanted to be and where I soon found trail running and ultrarunning.

I have since run many ultramarathon, 50K, 50-mile and 100K distances along with completing over 20 different 100 milers. I’ve run in some of the most beautiful places and learned a lot of lessons along the way that will help me guide you as a coach.

Train with Me

Let me Embrace Your Journey and help you reach your goals and realize your dream!

I am an ordinary woman, wife and mom. My faith and family are of most importance to me on this journey I am embracing.

Read more on my personal blog at www.TrailRunnng100.com

Bighorn 100 in Wyoming


Mountain Mist 50K in Alabama

Mogollon Monster 100 in Arizona


Bear 100 in Utah

Black Canyon 100K in Arizon


Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc in France